The Graduate Program in Letters and Linguistics aims to educate human resources for the exercise of qualified teaching and research; as well as strengthening and consolidating teacher and student research, and the intellectual production in the great area of Letters and Linguistics, highlighting the quality of dissertations and theses.

To reach those objectives satisfactorily, the Program has the following specific goals: for the level of Master’s, creating conditions so that the student can deepen their academic knowledge, promoting their scientific competence for the practices of teaching and research in their alma mater; for the level of Doctorate, allowing, beyond what has been mentioned before, that the student develop advanced and original research in their area of education; contributing to the autonomy of production of knowledge in the Midwest; funding the circulation of knowledge through incentives for the publication of final works, and dissertations and theses; guaranteeing the quality of knowledge produced through mechanisms of continued assessment before the defense examination; incentivizing and supporting the training, and intellectual and academic improvement of teachers through programmed licenses for Post-Doctoral studies abroad and in the country, according to the Direction of the College of Letters; contributing for the education of the student for teaching through teaching internship programs; integrating graduate and undergraduate courses through scientific activities in partnerships.