Antonio Corbacho Quintela
Doctor in Galician Philology, University of Santiago de Compostela(2009). Assistant Professor II of the College of Letters of the Universidade Federal de Goiás. Acts within the Graduation Program in Letters and Linguistics of the College of Letters, as professor, advisor, and researcher.

Areas of interest as researcher and advisor: Acculturation and literature: the transformation of Brazil in a repertoire of foreign literary systems; The representation of foreign identities in the Brazilian literary production; Processes of structuring of literary proto-systems, para-sytems, and subsystems.

Lines of research: Literature, history, and imaginary (L.P. 3) 

Research projects:
 Brazil as a repertorial element of the writers originating from States who have Spanish as their official language.  

Curriculum Lattes: 


Flávio Pereira Camargo
Doctor in Literature, University of Brasília (2010) and in Letters and Linguistics, Universidade Federal de Goiás (2012). Currently Assistant Professor of Brazilian Literature at the Federal University of Tocantins, acting as a Permanent Professor within the Graduation Program in Letters and Linguistics at the Universidade Federal de Goiás

Areas of interest as researcher and advisor:
 Modern and contemporary Brazilian narrative; metafictional narrative; literature and homoeroticism; teaching of literature and sexual diversity. 

Lines of research:
 L.P.1: Poetics of Modernity

Research projects:
 The character-writer and the question of the meta-fictional narrative.

Curriculum Lattes:


Goiandira de Fátima Ortiz de Camargo
Doctor in Vernacular Letters (Brazilian Literature), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1997). Currently Associate Professor III at the Universidade Federal de Goiás. Acts within the Graduation Program in Letters and Linguistics of the College of Letters, as a professor, adivosr, and researcher.

Areas of interest as researcher and advisor: Modern and contemporary Brazilian poetry;
Contemporary Portuguese poetry;
Lyrical subjectivity;
Teaching of poetry;
Education of the reader of poetry.
Lines of research: Poetics of modernity (L.P. 1) Cultural studies, comparativism, and translation  (L.P. 2)
Research projects: Poetics of subjectivities: Studies of the Lyrical Configurations in Brazilian Contemporary Poetry;
Poetry studies: subjectivity, reception, teaching and creation.
Curriculum Lattes:


Heleno Godói de Sousa
Doctor in Letters (Linguistic and Literary Studies in English), Federal University of São Paulo (2004). Currently full professor of English Language Literature at the College of Letters of the Universidade Federal de Goiás, acting within graduation and undergraduate courses.

Areas of interest as researcher and advisor:
 Narratology, African Literatures in English Language (mainly from Zimbabwe);

Irish Literature, Brazilian Literature;
Literature and Cinema.

Lines of research:
 Poetics of modernity (L.P. 1) Cultural studies, comparativism, and translation  (L.P. 2)

Research projects:
 Theories of Narrative

Curriculum Lattes:


Jamesson Buarque de Souza
Doctor in Letters and Linguistics, Universidade Federal de Goiás (2007). Currently professor at the College of Letters of the Universidade Federal de Goiás, acting within graduation and undergraduate courses.

Areas of interest as researcher and advisor:
 Theory, Creation, Critique and Teaching of Poetry. Projects about:

(a) Studies of epic poetry, relationships between epic and lyric, genre hybridism;
(b) Studies about the creation of classic, modern, or contemporary poets of the Portuguese language.

(c) Studies about poetical creation, considering their socio-historical and politic relationships

(d) Studies about popular poetry and others (poem in prose, verbi-voco-visual poem, poem-book, e-poem) in Portuguese;  

(e) Studies about the teaching of poetry in school.

Lines of research: Poetics of modernity (L.P.1) 
Research projects: Presence of the epic style in modern and contemporary Brazilian poetry;

Poetry studies:
 subjectivity, reception, teaching and creation;

Poetics of the subjectivities: studies of the lyrical configurations in contemporary Brazilian poetry;

Curriculum Lattes:


Jorge Alves Santana
Post-Doctorl researcher in Letters – Literary Studies and Cultural Studies, Federal University of Minas Gerais (Level 7). Doctor in Letters in Literary Studies, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho – UNESP. Currently Associate Professor III at the Universidade Federal de Goiás. Acts within the Graduation Program in Letters and Linguistics of the College of Letters, as professor, advisor, researcher, and in extension.

Areas of interest as researcher and advisor:

Literary Studies: Narratology: narrator, narrative focus, time and space under a transdisciplinary perspective.

Cultural Studies:
 Social-aesthetic markers of the difference/otherness in the themes: processes of psychosocial subjectivation, contemporary impacts of globalization, ethnicity/race, cultural representations of sexuality, ecocritical devices, disposition and urban mobility, aging and death.

Literature and other arts: mainly literature and cinema.

Lines of research:

Poetics of modernity (L. P. 1)
Cultural studies, comparativism, and translation  (L. P. 2)

Research projects:

-    2014 – Current: “Identidades transversais do envelhecimento e da velhice em representações literárias.”
-    From 2016 onwards, we will have a bigger peojct, with heterogeneous thematics, called: “Marcadores socioestéticos da DIFERENÇA nos Literary Studies e culturais."

Curriculum Lattes:


Leila Borges Dias Santos
Doctor in Sociology, University of Brasília (2006). Assistant Professor at the College of Letters, Universidade Federal de Goiás. Acts within the Graduation Program in Letters and Linguistics of the College of Letters, as professor, advisor, and researcher.

Areas of interest as researcher and advisor:
 Modernity, relationship between Literature and History, identity, nation, culture, and city.

Lines of research:
  L.P. 1 (Poetics of modernity) e L.P. 3 (Literature, history, and imaginary ); 

Research projects:
 Literature and Patriarchy in Goiás;

Literature and Catholicism in Goiás.
Curriculum Lattes:


Marcelo Ferraz de Paula
Doctor in Compared Studies of Portuguese Language Literatures, USP (2012) and professor at the Universidade Federal de Goiás, in the área Literary Theory and Teaching of Literature. Acts within the Graduation Program in Letters and Linguistics of the College of Letters (UFG), na as professor, advisor, and researcher.

Areas of interest as researcher and advisor:
 Relationships between literature, history and society; Modern and/or contemporary poetry; testimony, memory, and civil rights; Teaching of literature; Iberian-African-American literary comparativism.

Lines of research:
 Poetics of modernity (LP1); Cultural studies, comparativism, and translation (LP2)

Research project:
 "Lírica e testemunho: a poetry como memória da barbárie" 

Curriculum Lattes:



Maria Zaíra Turchi

Doctor in Letters, Pontifícia Universidade Católica -PUC/RS (1999) with a sandwich doctorate in the Centre de Recherches Sur L’Imaginaire, University of Grenoble/France. Titular professor at the UFG, having worked as Coordinator of the Graduation Program in Letters and Linguistics (1999-2003); General Cooridnator of Graduation/ Pro-Rectory of Research and Graduation (2004-2005); Director of the College of Letters (January, 2006-February, 2011); Editor of Revista Signótica of the College of Letters (2004-2011). Was Vice-president of the National Association of Research and Graduation in Letters and Linguistics – ANPOLL – (2006-2008).

Lines of research:
 L.P. 3 (Literature, history, and imaginary ); 

Curriculum Lattes:


Pedro Carlos Louzada Fonseca
Doctor in  Romance Languages and Literatures, University of New México-USA (1990) and Post-Doctoral researcher in Brazilian Colonial Literature, Universidade Aberta de Lisboa (1999-2000). Currently titular professor of Portuguese Literature of the College of Letters at the Universidade Federal de Goiás. Acts within the Graduation Program in Letters and Linguistics of the College of Letters, as professor, advisor, and researcher.

Areas of interest as researcher and advisor:
  Western European Medieval Literature;

Colonial Latin-American Literature;
Cultural Studies;
Gender studies.

Lines of research:
 Cultural studies, comparativism, and translation  (L.P.2)  and Literature, history, and imaginary  (L.P. 3)

Research projects: Western European Medieval Literature;
Colonial Latin-American Literature;
Cultural Studies;
Gender studies.
Curriculum Lattes:


Renata Rocha Ribeiro
Doctor in Literary Studies (2010), Universidade Federal de Goiás. Currently Associate Professor at the Universidade Federal de Goiás. Acts within the Graduation Program in Letters and Linguistics of the College of Letters, as professor, advisor, and researcher.

Areas of interest as researcher and advisor:
 Modern/contemporary narrative;

Compared studies in narrative;
Compared studies in narrative and other arts;
Brazilian narrative;

Lines of research:
 Poetics of modernity (L.P.1) Cultural studies, comparativism, and translation  (L.P.2).

Research projects:
 Aspects of Brazilian contemporary romance;

Curriculum Lattes:


Solange Fiúza Cardoso Yokozawa
Doctor in Letters, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2000). Atualmente é professora da College of Letters. Atua no Graduation Program in Letters and Linguistics of the College of Letters, na as professor, advisor, and researcher.

Area of interest in research and advising:
 Modern and/or contemporary Brazilian poetry.

Lines of research:
 Poetics of modernity (L.P.1) 

Research projects:
 Contemporary Brazilian poetry and tradition

Curriculum Lattes:


Sueli Maria de Oliveira Regino
Doctor in Letters and Linguistics, Universidade Federal de Goiás (2007). Currently professor at the College of Letters. Acts within the Graduation Program in Letters and Linguistics of the College of Letters, as professor, advisor, and researcher.
Area of interest in research and advising: Literature and imaginary; Dramaturgy and education; Literature and education; Literature and education of the deaf.

Lines of research:
 Literature, history, and imaginary  (L.P.3)

Research projects:
 Dramaturgy, education, and imaginary.

Curriculum Lattes:


Suzana Yolanda Lenhardt Machado Cánovas
Doctor in Letters, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2003). Currently Associate Professor II at the Universidade Federal de Goiás. Acts within the Graduation Program in Letters and Linguistics of the College of Letters, as professor, advisor, and researcher.

Area of interest in research and advising:
 Anthropology of the imaginary, symbolic hermeneutics, and mythology;

Fantastic narrative.

Lines of research:
 Literature, history, and imaginary  (L.P.3)

Research projects:
 Literature, mythology, and imaginary

Curriculum Lattes:


Wilson José Flores Jr.
Doctor in Literary Theory, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Master in Letters (Brazilian Literature), University of São Paulo, and Bachelor in Social Sciences, University of São Paulo. Professor of Brazilian Literature of the College of Letters, Universidade Federal de Goiás, researching themes related to Brazilian modernism, especially Manuel Bandeira, Mário de Andrade and the relationships between literature, history, and society.

Areas of interest as researcher and advisor:
 Brazilian poetry, particularly modern; Brazilian narrative; Relationships between literature, history, and society; Dialetic critique; Theoretical studies on the ways and presuppositions of the Brazilian literary critique; compared literature.

Lines of research:
 Poetics of modernity (L.P.1)

Research projects:
 Literature and the impasses of modernization in Brazil

Curriculum Lattes:

Zênia de Faria
Doctor in Letras (Literary Theory and Compared Literature), University of São Paulo (USP). Acts within the Graduation Program in Letters and Linguistics of the College of Letters/UFG, as professor, advisor, and researcher.

Areas of interest as researcher and advisor:
 Metafiction; Historiographic metafiction; 

Intertextuality; Studies of narrative; The writer character; 
Genre hybridism; 
Poetics of modernity.

Lines of research:
 Poetics of modernity (L.P. 1) Cultural studies, comparativism, and translation  (L.P.2).

Research projects:
 The poetic of João Cabral de Melo Neto;

Metafiction and correlate notions: concepts and terminologies.

Curriculum Lattes: